Side Specific Memo

Discover the power of SSM (Site Specific Memo) by Green World Renewable Energy. Our stability certificate assures the structural stability of your site, considering specific criteria, structure, and factors. Our professional design engineers use advanced software to analyze and stamp the structural design. We provide load calculations and analysis, offering clear insights into your structure's loading and stability. Gain a deep understanding of your structure's load-bearing capacity, saving time and ensuring a confident installation.

SSM stands for "Site Specific Memo" As the name denotes, that it includes the all-specific details of the related site or structure. SSM is a stability certificate in which we provide the stability assurance of structure for that particular site criteria, structure and factors. The whole structural design gets analyzed by the professional Design engineer by using the related design softwares and it is stamped then approved by the professional Design engineer. All load calculations, analysis, etc. are also provided along with the SSM so that it gets very clear and easy to understand about all the structure loading and stability. With that information we can get to know about the load limit our structure can withstand which saves our time and also gives us an understanding about our structure's withstanding capacity before going for the actual installation.